Monday, December 30, 2019
How to Tell Your Boss You Want a Leadership Role - The Muse
How to Tell Your Boss You Want a Leadership Role - The MuseHow to Tell Your Boss You Want a Leadership Role Dear Candid Boss,How can I approach my current leader to see if I would be considered for a formal leadership role in the future? How do I start that conversation in a way that makes me seem qualified- and not just pushy or impatient?Signed,Eager to GrowDear Eager to Grow,I know that this conversation can seem nerve-wracking, but remember that its also exciting Youre thinking about taking the next step in your career and a good manager will be equally enthusiastic about your hunger for growth. When starting this conversation, the key thing is to not only explain the fact that youre interested in management, but also why youre interested. If you can prove that you understand what the job is, why you would enjoy it, provide evidence that you would be good at it, and explain you can have more impact for the kollektiv as a manager than you do in your current role, your promotion to leadership will actually solve problems for your boss- not create them (that is, assuming theres a role available to promote you to). But before you get into that, you need to ask yourself Do you want to be a manager for the sake of a more prestigious title, or do you really want to do the things that managers do? Youll be persuasive if you can show that you understand what managers are actually responsible for, and that you are eager to do those things yourself. But if all you really want is more control, more money, or just the bragging rights, your boss will quickly pick up on your intentions and youll risk undermining your credibility. Remember, managers have a lot on their plate- and those duties arent always fun. As a leader, youll actively solicit criticism from your team members. Youll give formal performance reviews. Youll be held accountable for other peoples results- which means youll often have accountability without control. For some people, all of that sounds exciting and meaningful. For others, that sounds like a living hell. Management is important, but its certainly not the only path to major impact. Its a rewarding route, but its also a hard one- so make sure the day-to-day of the job sounds appealing to you before approaching your boss to discuss moving up in the ranks. Do that, and youre far more likely to have a great conversation.Good luck to youThis article is part of our monthly Ask an Expert series- a column dedicated to helping you tackle your biggest career concerns. Our coaches are excited to answer all of your burning questions, and you can submit one by emailing us at editor(at)themuse(dot)com and using Ask a Candid Boss in the subject line.Your letter may be published in an article on The Muse. All letters to Ask a Expert become the property of Daily Muse, Inc and will be edited for length, clarity, and grammatical correctness.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
This is the personality type most annoyed by grammar mistakes
This is the personality type most annoyed by grammar mistakesThis is the personality type most annoyed by grammar mistakesIm a cognitive psychologist who studies language comprehension. If I see an ad for a vacation rental that says Yur going to Hollywood it really bugs me. But my collaborator, Robin Queen, a sociolinguist, who studies how language use varies across social groups, is leid annoyed by those errors at all.We were curious what makes ur reactions so different?We didnt think the difference welches due to our professional specialties. So we did some research to find out what makes some people mora sensitive to writing mistakes than others.What prior research tells usWriting errors often appear in text messages, emails, web posts and other types of informal electronic communication. In fact, these errors have interested other scholars as well.Several years before our study, Jane Vignovic and Lori Foster Thompson, who are psychologists at North Carolina State University, cond ucted an experiment about vetting a potential new colleague, based only on an email message.College students who read the email messages perceived the writer to be less conscientious, intelligent and trustworthy when the message contained many grammatical errors, compared to the saatkorn message without any errors.And at our own University of Michigan, Randall J. Hucks, a doctoral student in business administration, was studying how spelling errors in online peer-to-peer loan requests at affected the likelihood of funding. He found that spelling errors led to worse outcomes on multiple dimensions.In both of these studies, readers judged strangers harshly simply because of writing errors.Typos vs. grammosOver the last several years, we conducted a series of experiments to investigate how written errors change a readers interpretation of the message, including the inferences that the reader makes about the writer.For ouroriginal experiments, we recruited college studen ts to be our readers, and for our mostrecent experiment, we recruited people from across the country who differed widely in terms of age and level of education.In all of our experiments, we asked our participants for information about themselves (e.g., age, gender), literacy behaviors (e.g., time spent pleasure reading, texts per day), and attitudes (e.g., How important is good grammar?). In the most recent experiment, we also gave participants a personality test.In each experiment, we told our participants to pretend that they had posted an ad for a housemate and gotten 12 email responses. After reading each email, the participants rated the writer as a potential housemate, and on other factors like intelligence, friendliness, laziness, etc.In fact, we had created three versions of each email. One version had no mistakes. One version included a few typos, e.g. abuot for about. Another version had errors involving words that people often mix up, such as there for their (we called th ese grammos).Everyone read four normal messages, four with typos, and four with grammos. Different people read the other versions of each message, so that we could separate responses to the errors from responses to the message content.Errors matter but to whom?In all of our experiments, readers rated the writers as less desirable if the emails included either typos or grammos. We expected this based on the earlier research, described above. In addition, people differed in their sensitivity to the two types of errors.For example, college students who reported higher use of electronic media were less sensitive to the errors, though time spent pleasure reading had no effect. Prior research on writing errors had not compared types of errors, nor collected information about the readers, in order to see which reader characteristics influenced interpretation.Both of these strategies for understanding how errors impact interpretation are unique to our research.Perhaps the most interesting finding is from the experiment in which we gave participants the personality test. It measured the five traits considered to be important in personality research extraversion (i.e. how outgoing or social a person is), agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness and neuroticism (prone to anxiety, fear, moodiness).This experiment involved adults who varied a lot in age and education, but those differences didnt affect their interpretation of the writing errors.Unlike the initial study with college students, use of electronic media had no effect. What mattered were the personality traits people responded to the writing errors based on their personality type.People who scored high in conscientiousness or low on the open-to-experience trait were more bothered by the typos. People who scored low on agreeability were more bothered by the grammos. And people who scored low on extraversion were more bothered by both types of errors. In contrast, how people scored on neuroticism did not alter the impact of either type of error.Remember, by being bothered we mean that the reader gave lower ratings on the housemate questionnaire to writers who made that type of error.Why a short email could matterOur findings that our personality influences our interpretation of a message complement other research that has found that our personality influences what we say and how we say it.In 2015, Gregory Park and other researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Cambridge analyzed Facebook posts from more than 66,000 users who had also completed a personality test based on the same five personality traits that we measured in our study. They found the use of words like love, party and amazing are correlated with extraversion, while the words sick, hate and anymore are correlated with neuroticism.This research built upon earlier work by researchers Tal Yarkoni and James W. Pennebaker.While reading our research, two key points need to be kept in mind. First, we think that errors influenced readers perception of the writer mainly because the writer was otherwise unknown the short email was the only basis for judgment. Second, we didnt ask the readers how likely they were to point out errors to the people who make them.So, it doesnt necessarily follow from our study that your friends will view you more negatively if you dont proofread your email messages, or that you can predict which people will call you on it based on their personality.But, you might want to keep these findings in mind when you write for an unknown audience or when you read something from someone you dont know.Julie Boland and Robin Queen are both professors at the University of Michigan.This article was originally published on
Friday, December 20, 2019
Bookstore Basics - Marketing and Merchandising
Bookstore Basics - Marketing and MerchandisingBookstore Basics - Marketing and MerchandisingLike any other bricks-and-mortar retailer in this increasingly digital world, bookstores need to need to aggressively market themselves as well as their wares. From bags to blogs to book signings, these promotional tactics can work effectively to attract and maintain a loyal clientele. Bags Bookstore bags, printed with the stores name and/or logo and location are pretty much retail 101.When a consumer leaves with a bag, it becomes a promotional vehicle for the store - which is something to keep that in mind when it commissioning a design. Bags dont need to be expensive, but as they do cost money, they should work to appropriately present and remind folks of the store and its image. Bookmarks Like bags, bookmarks serve a business card-like purpose for their stores, listing address, store hours, website, etc. every time a customer uses one and print readers still do, very much it remi nds him of the store. Also, like bags, bookmarks should reflect the stores brand with not only its logo but with its ambiance of the store. For example, quirky Bienville Books bookmark shows an alligator swamped in the foreground with the city buildings of Mobile, Ala. in the background. Website Stores need websites, period. At the very least, the site should list all the pertinent retail infassonation location (with a link to directions), hours, email address, and phone number. The best websites make sure this information is on every page so that a potential customer doesnt have to work to find it. The website may or may not include a blog (see below). A Facebook page is a good secondary web presence, but you should have a website with a store-specific URL, to ensure you show up in Google and other search engines and maps. There are a lot of easy-to-use publishing platforms out there now, but it might be worth hiring a designer to give the site an appealing look thats also use r-friendly. Blog Blog posts are great for announcing events (and posting pictures afterward), arrivals of new titles or merchandise, or any other news. However, blogs are a commitment - one without constantly new content or with outdated content (seriously still hawking holiday books in March?) makes a store seem dull, dusty and amateurish. Luckily, blog software is pretty simple nowadays, make refreshing content pretty simple. But if you dont want to do it, make one of your employees responsible for the blog. Newsletter Newsletters are a good vehicle to alert customers about author readings and signings and other store events and to highlight recommended books in various categories, like general fiction or specific genres (mystery, romance, cooking, kids, etc.) Store newsletters can appear in a number of formats a one-sheet piece or a multi-page, newspaper-like publication. Like blogs, newsletters need content and tend to become their animals, so its advisable for a book seller starting a newsletter to create a template, format, and schedule, then assign staff adequate time and deadlines to help fill the piece. schmelzglas newsletters should be more newsy Short and sweet, serving as event reminders rather than substituting for hard-copy pieces for in-store use. Book Display In-store visual merchandising is critical for any retailer, of course. Book placement, seasonal book promotions, book displays by subject or category, placing impulse buys at the cash register or along the check-out lines - all this can help upsell the book buyer. Even whether a book is displayed face-up or spine out can have an impact. Signings and In-Store Events Geared to sell a particular book or books by one author, readings and signings bring people in the door- and more people mean more book (and cappuccino) sales. They also create a festive atmosphere, often attracting casual browsers and passers-by. Besides specific evens, participation in events like Independen t Bookstore Day help promotes the overall store. Shelf-Talkers These pieces of cardboard that hang off the shelf can call attention to books for a variety of reasons. Whether theyre allowing the staff to wax poetic in a favorite reading experience (see Staff Picks, below), or alert a consumer to a regional bestseller or a good reading group pick, shelf-talkers are inexpensive, but ingratiating, ways to highlight book choices. Staff Picks Where hand-selling meets word-of-mouth a thoughtfully-written, heartfelt, and sincere Staff Recommends or Staff Pick can entice a prospective reader to look twice - and maybe buy - a recommended book. These can come in the form of a shelf-talker positioned near the book, or grouped regularly in a monthly or seasonal newsletter. Store-Branded Merchandise T-shirts, mugs, re-useable book totes These items serve the dual purpose of promoting the store while bringing in a bit of revenue. Design counts something unique and a book- or reader -centric sells better than a generic store-branded item. Pricing the merchandise depends on which side of the merchandise /promotional line you see the items falling. Bookstores with a large and avid fan base or that attract a lot of visitors or tourists areas might want to price the items more in line with the souvenirs in the area for maximum profit, while other stores might want to price the merchandise more as a loss leader, to maximize the local promotional value.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Being Active On LinkedIn
Being Active On LinkedInBeing Active On LinkedInBeing Active On LinkedInCourtesy of William Iven from unsplash.comLinkedIn is a social media tool that is still very new for many job seekers and social media users. While LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with other professionals and learn more about your industry, many users still have questions about how to make the fruchtwein out of their user experience. It provides its users with significant benefits that can be utilized to improve your online and workforce presence. With this new approach to the professional world and the job search some of the biggest questions that people have areHow can I get elendiced?What is the best way to approach others on LinkedIn?How do I respond to a recruiter?How do I contact another professional about scheduling an informational interview?What kind of information should I put on my profile?Why should I order professional resume writing service?LINKEDIN PROFILEThe profile is one of the most common c oncerns of the LinkedIn user. One of the first things that others will see when accessing your profile is your headline, name and picture. The headline is very important it is a gutachten of up to 140 characters which gives you an opportunity to send the reader a very clear message of what you specialize in. By default, LinkedIn sets the headline as your current company name and position title. One creative method to adopt is to create a slogan for yourself and use it as a part of your headline. If you are currently looking for new opportunities, you can also mention Seeking new opportunities in ____________.Do you have a degree or a professional designation?Make sure that you mention the acronym besides your name. i.e. Masters of Business Administration MBA. This lets recruiters know at first glance what areas you have expertise in. Designations are a great way to add value to your portfolio. Make sure that your LinkedIn profile picture is professional, avoid pictures with sunglas ses, overly formal or casual or Photoshopping yourself out of a groupMAKING THE MOST OF YOUR WORK EXPERIENCEWhen you are writing your work history, avoid copying and pasting your resume. Use the same information to describe your work responsibilities as stated on your resume, with a storytelling approach. Keep the work description to a maximum of one to two short paragraphs. Remember to put your main responsibilities and biggest achievements, but avoid writing too much information as you will want to have a chance to elaborate during an interview.Are you a student or recent grad and dont know what work experience to include on your profile? Always utilize your volunteer, part-time and co-op experiences. List these experiences as a prototyp job, just ensure that you mention the type of position it was. Also, dont be afraid to put previous jobs which are not completely relevant to the direction that you want to take your career in. Simply summarize the job description and keep the cor e focus on transferable skills.Another great feature to take advantage of on your LinkedIn profile Makeover is the project section. In your career both academic and professional, you are assigned projects, and we all have ones that we feel especially proud of. This section opens up a great opportunity for you to provide more information on these projects, these include professional, educational, volunteer and partieal endeavors. You can go into full detail, letting people know what youve done and what youve achieved. Consider using the STAR format when writing the explanation about the project. The STAR format is also a great way to do well during an interview, according to a great article by Life Hacker Begin with answering each in point form, then develop the points into a paragraph.STARSituationTaskActionResultThe profile summaryThe most important section is the summary. You really want to get people to notice you in this area, this is commonly where people will make an attempt t o contact you and will want to see more info. If you take the time to write a compelling summary and engage the reader, you have a much better chance of keeping them on your page. Write two to three paragraphs about yourself, avoid retelling your resume, and simply state the information you really want people to know about you. Include things like your goals, aspirations, achievements, education and the most interesting points about where you have worked. You can write this part in first person or third person. Another thing you can also do is write an areas of expertise or a technology section. Also, invite the reader to contact you, followed by giving your contact information.Planning and organizationWhen using LinkedIn, it is good to have a plan of who you want to contact, what conversations you want to participate in and what your focus is going to be.Step 1 VisionHave a clear vision of what you want to achieve with your LinkedIn profile. Do you want to contact people, are you e xperiencing a career transition or simply want to network more? Determine your main goal for using LinkedIn, make a list of the kind of people you want to connect with.Step 2 Make a PlanOnce you know who you want to connect with, seek out ways to engage with them properly. Avoid randomly adding people. Make sure you have a message you can send, review their profile and tell them in the initial interaction what made you reach out to them. Always end the conversation off with an open ended question. If you have a connection that can introduce you to someone, consider using that function.If you feel you have a good amount of connections and simply want to improve your online presence, make a schedule of when you will post. For example, every Wednesday you will post an article you wrote to LinkedIn or post industry related materie you read each morning.Step 3 ConsistencyBe consistent, always follow-up to messages or comments, this will help you to build an online community. Make each ac tivity as important as your other daily tasks and mark it in your calendar. Always ensure that you are posting or sharing positive conversation generating material.Common questionsWhat are things I can do to get noticed on LinkedIn?Trying to get noticed on LinkedIn can be a challenge, some of the best ways to get noticed is to utilize three separate tools that appear the top of your live feed on the home page. These functions are, share an update, upload a photo and publish a post. When conducting any activity on LinkedIn always make sure that your content is professional. Share and update information such as events, job fairs, industry and business articles you read. Also, get involved with group conversations on LinkedIn groups that you join, you never know who might read your posts. One of the best tools is publishing a post, this function allows you to write industry-related articles of your own content. It is a great chance for you to show your expertise.What do I say when conn ecting with new people?Contacting a recruiter on LinkedIn is a practice that could help to speed along your job search and will help you get noticed. When looking up recruiters the first thing you want to do is search for the right kinds of recruiters. Avoid making connections with recruiters who are not looking for candidates in your industry. When sending the initial request mention who you are and why you are interested in connecting with them. Once they have connected with you, ensure that you reply as soon as possible, thanking them for the connection and tell them the reason you feel your quantifications might be a match for the type of positions they recruit for. Ask them if they would like to connect via phone, if they fell you should be a good fit for the type of candidates they are looking for.Many people who are interested in advancing their career will seek out professionals for an informational interview. The best method when contacting a person about an informational i nterview is to keep your email engaging, friendly and to the point. Always thank the reader for taking the time to read your message and acknowledge their time. Tell them what you find interesting about their work and industry followed by telling them why you want to meet with them. Always make sure that if you are to meet with them in person you offer the buy the coffee and meet at a location that is convenient for them.What about other social media sites? Can they help?Getting your profile noticed beyond LinkedIn is also very important. Utilize the customizable link on your profile, add it to your website, resume, business card, email signature and to other social media websites. This will connect your LinkedIn profile to more than just people in your immediate network.What about endorsements and recommendations?When using the recommendation and endorsement functions on your LinkedIn profile it is important to understand the difference between the two.Endorsements are skills you c lick on in other user profiles and it will add the skill to their profile. Typically, when you endorse someone else they get a notification and will return the endorsement. Avoid being a serial endorserRecommendations are different, they are written testimonials about you. They are typically done by managers and colleagues, feel free to ask for a recommendation. If you are looking for tips and help about how to write a recommendation for someone check out LinkedIns help centreOops, it looks like this article is not completeYou can read the continuation in our April Dream Job BookClick below to find it out Get the Job of You Dream in 6 Days/6 Simple Steps
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Article 112 Wrongful Use of Controlled Substances
Article 112 Wrongful Use of Controlled SubstancesArticle 112 Wrongful Use of Controlled SubstancesAny part subject to this Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) offense wrongfully uses, possesses, manufactures, distributes, imports or exports into/from the customs territory of the United States. Or a military member who introduces into an installation, vessel, vehicle, or aircraft used by or under the control of the armed forces the following substances shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (1) opium, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methamphetamine, phencyclidine, barbituric acid, and marijuana, and any compound or derivative of any such substance.(2) Any substance leid specified in clause (1) that is listed on a schedule of controlled substances prescribed by the President for the purposes of this article.(3) Any other substance not specified in clause (1) or contained on a list prescribed by the President under clause (2) that is listed in Sch edules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act ( 21 U.S.C. 812). The accused must be wrongfully possession, using, distributing, introducing, manufacturing, importing and exporting illegal drugs or controlled substances. The following rules with regard to these substances are fully explained (1) Wrongful possession of controlled substance. (2) Wrongful use of controlled substance. (3) Wrongful distribution of controlled substance. (4) Wrongful introduction of a controlled substance. (5) Wrongful manufacture of a controlled substance. (6) Wrongful possession, manufacture, or introduction of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. (7) Wrongful importation or exportation of a controlled substance. What is a Controlled Substance? Controlled substance means amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, and barbituric acid, including phenobarbital and secobarbital. Controlled substance also me ans any substance which is included in Schedules I through V established by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 ( 21 U.S.C. 812). Possess. Possess means to exercise control of something. Possession may be direct physical custody like holding an item is ones hand, or it may be constructive, as in the case of a person who hides an item in a locker or car to which that person may return to retrieve it. Possession must be knowing and conscious. Possession inherently includes the power or authority to preclude control by others. It is possible, however, for more than one person to possess an item simultaneously, as when several people share control of an item. An accused may not be convicted of possession of a controlled substance if the accused did not know that the substance was present under the accuseds control. Awareness of the presence of a controlled substance may be inferred from circumstantial evidence. Distribute. Distribute means to deliver to the possession of another. Del iver means the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer of an item, whether or not there exists an agency relationship. Manufacture. Manufacture means the production, preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug or other substance, either directly or indirectly or by extraction from substances of natural origin, or independently by means of chemical synthesis or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis, and includes any packaging or repackaging of such substance or labeling or relabeling of its container. Production, as used in this subparagraph, includes the planting, cultivating, growing, or harvesting of a drug or other substance. Wrongfulness. To be punishable under Article 112a, possession, use, distribution, introduction, or manufacture of a controlled substance must be wrongful. Possession, use, distribution, introduction, or manufacture of a controlled substance is wrongful if it is without legal justification or authorization. Possession, d istribution, introduction, or manufacture of a controlled substance is not wrongful if such act or acts are (A) done pursuant to legitimate law enforcement activities (for example, an informant who receives drugs as part of an undercover operation is not in wrongful possession), (B) done by authorized personnel in the performance of medical duties or (C) without knowledge of the contraband nature of the substance (for example, a person who possesses cocaine, but actually believes it to be sugar, is not guilty of wrongful possession of cocaine). Possession, use, distribution, introduction, or manufacture of a controlled substance may be inferred to be wrongful in the absence of evidence to the contrary. The burden of going forward with evidence with respect to any such exception in any court-martial or other proceedings under the code shall be upon the person claiming its benefit. If such an issue is raised by the evidence presented, then the burden of proof is upon the United State s to establish that the use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or introduction was wrongful. (Intent to distribute. Intent to distribute may be inferred from circumstantial evidence. Examples of evidence which may tend to support an inference of intent to distribute are possession of a quantity of substance in excess of that which one would be likely to have for personal use market value of the substance the manner in which the substance is packaged and that the accused is not a user of the substance. On the other hand, evidence that the accused is addicted to or is a heavy user of the substance may tend to negate an inference of intent to distribute. Certain amount. When a specific amount of a controlled substance is believed to have been possessed, distributed, introduced, or manufactured by an accused, the specific amount should ordinarily be alleged in the specification. It is not necessary to allege a specific amount, however, and a specification is sufficient if it allege s that an accused possessed, distributed, introduced, or manufactured some, traces of, or an unknown quantity of a controlled substance. Customs territory of the United States. Customs territory of the United States includes only the States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Use. Use means to inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body, any controlled substance. Knowledge of the presence of the controlled substance is a requiredcomponentof use. Knowledge of the presence of the controlled substance may be inferred from the presence of the controlled substance in the accuseds body or from other circumstantial evidence. This permissive inference may be legally sufficient to satisfy the governments burden of proof as to knowledge. Deliberate ignorance. An accused who consciously avoids knowledge of the presence of a controlled substance or the contraband nature of the substance is subject to the same criminal liability as one who has actual knowledge. (1) Wrongful use, possession, manufacture, or introduction of controlled substance. Drugs - Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement 5 years. (Amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances.)Marijuana - Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years. (2)Wrongful distribution, possession, manufacture, or introduction of controlled substance with intent to distribute, or wrongful importation or exportation of a controlled substance. (a)Amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 15 years.(b)Phenobarbital and Schedule IV and V controlled substances. Dishonorable discharge, forfeitu re of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 10 years. When any offense under paragraph 37 is committed while the accused is on duty as a sentinel or look-out on board a vessel or aircraft used by or under the control of the armed forces in or at a missile launch facility used by or under the control of the armed forces while receiving special pay under37 U.S.C. 310 in time of war or in a confinement facility used by or under the control of the armed forces, the maximum period of confinement authorized for such offense shall be increased by 5 years.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Up in Arms About Plumber Resume?
Up in Arms About Plumber Resume? Finding the Best Plumber Resume Remember that you just have a single opportunity to produce a great impression and capture the interest of a prospective employer. If you neglect to point out necessary certifications and licenses, for example, an employer may not keep reading in order to learn more about you. You want a wholesome balance between sounding like an actual person and a professional. Appropriately, ur resumes have a tendency to be the exact first impression a potential workplace gets of us. Youre going to be judged if youre excellent for the work depending on the typical of your job application thus the importance for its excellence. There are scores and scores of resume writing services online who claim they are the finest and you might wonder why you must choose ResumeGet agency. A winning resume is one which shows hiring personnel how it is possible to benefit a corporation. Picking out the ideal format for employment resume i s among the most important facets of building an exact effective continue. The Tried and True Method for Plumber Resume in Step by Step Detail Resumes ought to be constantly improved upon, customized and edited in an attempt to match the needs of the work seeker. Writing resumes might be very tiresome and time-consuming. If you ought to be prepared for work then youre well prepared to be a leasehand. Its possible to send another once per week. Also make sure to tailor the record to the job that youre attempting to get. Of course you might even be searching for an alternate job because of personal information. The Lost Secret of Plumber Resume Organized discussions allow for increased detachment. Individuals now change jobs to acquire a selection of professional and individual explanations. One reason why folks fear interviews is on account of the fiery atmosphere that abounds here. Tailoring your work application to coincide with a potential company isnt different. Simp le job application formats help you in producing your resume. To start with, youre in a position to analyze the work posting that the business creating to determine precisely what is essential for the positioning. When youre trying to find work, a work application can be the principal tool you bring to the table. Listing your technical skills can measure your understanding of plumbing operations which is essential in the candidate selection approach. Resume builders are a really fantastic methods can help you organize your resume. 1 excellent means to utilize resume builders is to make the most of the many options out there. Your supervisor is precisely the same. Coordinate with workers to make sure the appropriate technician is in a position to attain work site within the allotted window. Furthermore, you can look for HVAC technician jobs on Monster. A well-written job description involves all critical requirements. Experience is among the most crucial details on your pl umber resume. Should know your job Find somebody which is able to testify to the way you do the job and exactly what it is that youre capable of. To put on a position for a Plumber with Rham Company. Theres no need to study the entire diverse area of resume format. You have the ability to preview each template to secure a notion of how your last resume is very likely to look. Without the very clear comprehension of the structure, contents, and style your resume format is going to be a blunder. Starting with the format There are plenty of formats in which resumes can be shown, and no format is actually more powerful than the other concerning helping to obtain an interview or the job.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
How to Handle a Reference Call - Spark Hire
How to Handle a Reference Call - Spark HireWe might not always like it, but at one point or another some of our employees are going to leave. Be it for a new job, a new location or a simple change of pace, employees will not be with us for forever. Hopefully when they leave they leave on good terms. parte of being an employer then, is to be able to convey this employees work ethic and drive to future employees if asked. If you accept it, being a reference for one of your former employees comes with a great deal of responsibility. After all, if you are an employer that relies on a candidates references then you know how much weight is placed on their input. So when it comes time for you to be a reference, you should have a good handle on what you can and cannot say. There is a fine line between the facts and your opinion.So say one of your star employees decides to leave the company for other opportunities. They were a great employee, had a strong work ethic and always got the job don e. You are sad to see them go, but its clear that when another employer contacts you to inquire about their work ethic, etc it wont be too difficult to answer their question. However, what if another employer contacts you to inquire about a not-so-great employee? What can you say? Moreover, what legally can you say? Currently, there is no law that states that you are only allowed to confirm employment and the employees start and end dates. If you had to fire this employee, you can release that information. If they quit, you can tell them that too. You can also legally refuse to give any detailed information at all. If you dont want to say anything, you can safely keep it to employment confirmation and the dates.On top of that, you can also tell this prospective employer why they quit or why you had to let them go. If they were constantly late for work or very unreliable, you can certainly relay that information to another employer. After all, if they are thinking of hiring this pers on then they should know that these were serious issues you had to tackle. If this employee quit and did so in a very unprofessional manner, then its up to you whether or not you want to disclose that information.The situation only starts to get a little tricky when you start disclosing details. You can say whatever you want about this former employee, as long as everything you say is true and is fact. You have to be very careful about what you say though because if you say something, anything, that is untrue and your former employee finds out, they can hit you with a libel case or sue you for defamation of character. Thats why fruchtwein companies have a specific policy in place on how to handle reference calls. Some companies stick to simply confirming employment and the start/end dates to avoid a potential mess.If your company does not have a specific policy, then it is up to you how much information you want to disclose about this employee. However, keep in mind what was stated earlier and be sure to only convey the facts as they are. Not doing so can get you into a whole heap of trouble.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Good news! You do in fact learn from your mistakes, study finds
Good news You do in fact learn from your mistakes, study findsGood news You do in fact learn from your mistakes, study findsTurns out, the old adage is true - you do learn from your mistakes, but it helps if you were close to getting the right answer all along, according to a new study published in Memory.Our research found evidence that mistakes that are a near miss can help a person learn the information better than if no errors were made at all, Dr. Nicole Anderson, the senior author on the study, said. These types of errors can serve as stepping stones to remembering the right answer. But if the error made is a wild guess and out in left field, then a person does not learn the correct information as easily.Guesses that are nowhere near the right answer are not going to help you make a better answer next time, in other words.We remember best when our mistake is almost rightTo test the power of a helpful mistake, the researchers recruited English speakers who had no background in Spanish to learn thecorrect translations for Spanish words. When the Spanish words were closer in meaning to the English word, such as carrera which means degree in Spanish and sounds like career in English, they were better able to remember the correct translation. They had a harder time remembering from wrong answers that had widely different meanings.Why does this close trial-and-error form of learning work? Its strengthening the activation of related information in our memory. When we make a mistake that is almost right, we are giving our brains a better chance at retrieving the right information next time, the researchers suggest. Greater learning is required when outcomes differ widely from expectation, leading to greater attentional deployment to feedback, the study said.Inevitably, employees make mistakes. If youre a boss wants a lesson to stick, you may be better off giving your employees choices that guide them towards the vicinity of the right answer, instead of leaving i t open-ended.In a series of it may be better to ask questions that guide learners to guess in the right ballpark (e.g., Question What kind of living thing is an earwig? Answers reptile, bird, insect) as opposed to left field (e.g., Question What is an earwig? Answers earring, hairpiece, insect), the study concluded.
Thursday, November 21, 2019 Internships and Qualifications Internships and Internships and is a provider of SAaS products, software as a service, that resides in the cloud and is available from anywhere via internet access. is best known as the leader in customer relationship management (CRM) software. However, they also have other platforms to help manage the Marketing and Service aspects of business too. They were one of the first to pioneer this technology and today are delivering the next generation of computing technologies that will help companies change the way they market, sell, and service their product offerings. Is One of the Top 10 Enterprise Software Companies has become one of the Top 10 among Enterprise Software companies and are the fastest growing in this category. Forbes recognized them as the Worlds Most Innovative Company and Fortune named them number seven among the100 Best Companies to Work For in 20 14. They have more than 100,000 customers on their customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Their client base comes from a variety of industries, such as financial services, telecommunications, manufacturing, and entertainment. The majority of its revenue is generated in the United States, with about 70 percent coming from the Americas, 20 percent from Europe, and about 10% from the Asia/Pacific. Competitors include Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, and others. Intern Salaries Intern salaries range from $16 to $42 per hour, with Software Engineers ranging from $30 to $42. Interns say it is a vibrant, fast-paced culture with smart, fun, aggressive colleagues. They also cite the fact that management is focused on staying current with the latest technologies becoming a leader in them. The benefits and incentives are good and the culture is purported to be hip and trendy. There is the ability to chart your own course and to sometimes even create the job you want. Thirty-seven percent of interns say they found their position through a universittsgelnde recruiter, 23 percent by applying online, and 23 percent through employee referral. The interview process normally takes 4 to 6 weeks with the first round conducted via email and phone prior to a face-to-face taking place. Questions are generally experiential in nature and relate to how your educational and practical experience could apply to an internship at Interns rated the difficulty of the intern interview process as a 3.0 on a scale of 5.0. Locations San Francisco, CA San Mateo, CA Chicago, IL New York, NY. Responsibilities Include Researching prospective clients, adding valuable data to new and existing accounts, acquiring high-level contacts by leveraging third-party databases, and building monitoring social networking sites to assist the EBR Sales Development Team. Qualifications Must be a current college or university student, or within 12 months of graduationBu siness Administration or Economics majors preferredMust be a team playerMust possess excellent oral and written communicationGood problem-solving skills and ability to take the initiativeOutstanding attention to detailExceptional organizational and planning skillsFlexible and enjoys learning in a fast-paced environmentLong-term interest in sales, marketing or operational role How to Apply Interested candidates can complete the online form on the websiteand then submit a resume and titel letter.
The Droids Were Looking for, in the Cancer Fight
The Droids Weâre Looking for, in the Cancer Fight The Droids Weâre Looking for, in the Cancer Fight The Droids Weâre Looking for, in the Cancer Fight Robot soldiers are likely to fight our wars in the not-too-distant future, if you believe certain individuals from the Atlantic Councils Cyber Statecraft Initiative (or certain Star Wars episodes). But now researchers at the University of Houston are creating robots for the war within. Within the body, that is. Theyve proven that tiny capsules can be guided, with an MRI, through the blood stream, aligned at a target location, and then fired to attack a cyst or a tumor. The idea first came to Aaron Becker, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the university, while he and some colleagues were experimenting with moving robot arms in an MRI. The massive magnetic field created by MRIs was meant for imaging, but Becker and his colleagues were trying to use those same fields for the purposes of locomotion. The more we worked with the MRI, the more we realized how limited our forces were, says Becker. It became apparent that biggest thing I needed to solve was how to get more force. So he spent some time online looking at magnetic toys. He came across something called a magnetic accelerator, or a Gauss gun. In short, two groups of steel balls are kept in line and separated over magnets. When an additional trigger ball hits one group, it sends one of its balls over to the other group, which fires its final ball with much greater force than that provided by the trigger. Prof. Aaron Becker in his lab. Image: University of Houston Becker found a piece of aluminum and some steel ball bearings in the lab and 3D printed the other pieces he had in mind. The next time we were in the MRI, at the end, probably at 2 am, I said, Lets try this other thing, he says. We injected it in there. I was pushing the trigger mechanism, and it got closer and closer and then suddenly it snapped and something flew out the other side of the MRI, and I was like, Ah weve found it, weve done it. Then we had to hunt to find that ball bearing, because its against the rules to leave it behind. In essence, Becker had shown that, by using the Gauss gun, the weak force provided by the MRI could be used to create a large enough force to puncture tissue. The gradient field we have now is about 40 percent of gravity. Thats limited, but its enough that you can push things around, especially if in a fluid filled environment, says Becker. Of course, firing a toy in an MRI and firing a tinier version inside a body at a malignant growth are two different things. The capsulized elements of the gun need to be neutrally buoyant. And when they link together the action parts of the gun needs to be free of fluid. Becker created three separate robots: the trigger, the barrel, and the delivery component. We call them robots, he says. But really the robot is the MRI plus the capsule, and you. The barrel and the delivery end align first and fire only when the trigger is brought into place. It self-aligns and then sets off a chain reaction to deliver a shot to the target. The potential applications are many. The robots could deliver a radioactive seed inside a tumor, they could inject coils in an area that could be heated for cauterization, they could puncture cysts, and they could leave behind medication. They could also be used for taking internal biopsies with minimal invasiveness. But before any of that happens in a real body, theres plenty of work to be done. Right now were focusing on miniaturizing it, making it lightweight and small, packaging it up so we dont release any air on assembly and so liquid doesnt get in, says Becker. We want to make sure this transfer of energy happens in a fluid free environment, right up against our target. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. I was pushing the trigger mechanism, and it got closer and closer and then suddenly it snapped and something flew out the other side the MRI, and I was like, Ah, weve found it, weve done it.Prof. Aaron Becker, University of Houston
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